
Pattern and Engineering Department

Our Pattern and Engineering department is capable of the following
  • 3D modeling facility.
  • Pattern machining activities with 3D Scanning, Rapid prototyping, 5 Axis machining
  • Methoding and pattern making
  • Pattern methoding activists for critical casting using latest simulation software like MAGMA.
  • Modern tools and Instruments are available for mounting and inspection of the patterns.

Sand Preparation Plant

Our Foundry is equipped with

Mechanised Sand plant with sand distribution.
High Speed Intensive Sand mixture.
Vibratory Shake out units
Magnetic Separators.
Polygonal Screen.
Dust Extraction Systems.

Core Shop

Capable of making :

Here are some list of result :
  • Cold box cores with Amine gas core shooters.
  • Air Setting Cores.
  • CO2 Cores with good collapsibility
  • Oil cores with Electric drying Electrical oven.
Our Profile

Our Profile for easy to read guide all of the services offered.

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